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Fruit Roll-ups

She Walks in BeautyAuthor Siri Mitchell of She Walks in Beauty writes a historical fiction of Gilded Age Society in New York City.  Mitchell has done her research well.  Mitchell also includes the societal problems of New York City in the late 1800s.

Clara Carter of New York City is making her debut into New York City in the 1890s.  Clara had other plans--like going to college.  Clara's aunt dismissed Clara's governor, and told Clara she had to be groomed to go into society and catch the eldest son of the de Vries family of New York City. 

Clara sorts through all sorts of emotions as she goes through the debutante society.  She remains loyal to Lizzie, her best friend, who also is going through the debutante society.  Frank de Vries the eldest boy doesn't seem to be all that in Clara's opinion.  Instead of winning Frank, Clara and Harold, Frank's brother.  Who remain mysterious are Clara's father and aunt.  They have their own motives for wanting Clara to win Frank.  It seems as though the de Vries family and the  Carter family have had some unfortunate business relations in the past, and Clara's father and aunt want to make up for the monetary losses.

This is a great read for young adults interested in historical fiction.  The cover is beautiful and elegant.

 FTC: I received this book through Bethany House. The above image is through Amazon.

***(3 out of 5 stars)

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