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Fruit Roll-ups

I am an avid reader, and I hope to pass the love of reading down to my son and the rest of my children (when I have them). To me, reading opens many opportunities to a person that otherwise we wouldn't have.

I also had the pleasure of attending Family Reading Night activities in my area last year. I took my son, and we were read to by different people. My son also won a book. There were treats and prizes given away.

It was nice to see families come together and show how reading can be fun.

Check with your local schools and libraries to see if any activities are offered for Family Reading Night.

Here is one below:

What: Family Reading Night
Where: Rochelle Middle School (Rochelle, IL)
When: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 6-8:30 p.m.
Why: To celebrate National Family Reading

There will be stories read by celebrity readers, prizes, treats and many other surprises!

No pre-registration is necessary

Hosted by: Flagg-Rochelle Public Library and Rochelle Elementary S.D. #231 Libraries

How cool is this? Starbucks is now going to have a book club where the 50 first people that sign up will receive an autographed book to read as part of the book club. This is great for those who love to read. This is even better if you love specialty coffees (like myself) and read!

For more information, go to Starbucks V2V,

Oh yeah. You bet I signed up!

DeKalb, Ill. — For many Americans, a mention of Darfur conjures only thoughts of George Clooney, Brad Pitt and other film and music celebrities who frequently speak out on the Sudanese region’s behalf.

Yet the genocidal reality there is a grim one.

According to the Save Darfur Coalition, “up to 2.5 million Darfuris have fled their homes and continue to live in campus throughout Darfur or in refugee camps in neighboring Chad and the Central African Republic.”

The coalition’s Web site cites a United Nations statistic that sets the death toll at “roughly 300,000” and attributes a “number at no less than 400,000” to a former U.N. undersecretary general.

“Humanitarian assistance in Darfur continues to be at risk of collapse, in part because of sustained harassment by the Sudanese government, and in part because of the government’s militia allies and common criminals,” according to the Web site. “In September 2006, the United Nations estimated that such a collapse would cause up to 100,000 civilian deaths every month.”

Children in DeKalb and Naperville are doing their part to raise public awareness of the war and to put smiles on the faces of some Darfuri children.

NIU art education professor Mira Reisberg and Karen Popovich, the art teacher at Naperville’s Thayer J. Hill Middle School since 2001, combined forces this summer and fall to create a tent for “Tents of Hope.”

The national community art project will stage an exhibition next month in Washington, D.C., to boost U.S. consciousness and attempt to prompt assistance for refugees struggling to survive. The NIU-Thayer Hill tent will join the others from Friday, Nov. 7, to Sunday, Nov. 9, before it is sent to be a school in Darfur.

First, though, the tent painters will unveil their 8-foot-by-10-foot masterpiece at a 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16, event at Thayer Hill, 1836 Brookdale Road in Naperville. Members of the school board, the mayor and leaders of a new Sudanese community center in Naperville all have been invited to attend.

It all started with Elly Simmons.

“Elly is a friend of mine who has a contract to write a book about the project,” Reisberg said. “She came to the Chicago area to facilitate a tent-painting project in Geneva with some of the ‘Lost Boys of Sudan.’ The Midwest was an area where a lot of the boys were resettled. She invited me to come help out, so I did – and it was just incredible.”

Reisberg watched the Lost Boys paint pictures of despair – of friends eaten by crocodiles, of bombs falling on villages – as well as images of hope. “I really wanted to make a tent,” she said.

She approached Popovich, an NIU doctoral student. She contacted Lesly Wicks, director of DeKalb’s Hope Haven homeless shelter. She brought the project into her classroom for two art classes, an introductory course for education majors and a 300-level course for art education majors.

Jim and Helen Merritt – not only are they the “local treasures” behind Merritt Prairie, but Helen is an artist who taught in the NIU School of Art before her retirement – provided financial support. So did Thayer Hill, NIU’s art education program and Hope Haven. The Universal Unitarian Fellowship of DeKalb and its minister, the Rev. Linda Slabon, also provided space and support by bringing treats and helping the Hope Haven children.

Work then occurred on three very different fronts: Hope Haven, Thayer Hill and the two NIU art education courses.
At Hope Haven, the children watched a DVD on the Lost Boys of Sudan and then were asked to paint squares for the tent.

“I initially wanted the kids to paint about their experiences with homelessness and send good wishes to the kids in Darfur, but they were really not into it, and I didn’t want to push it. We switched it to where they painted about their own hopes for the future, and they made really beautiful things,” Reisberg said.

“They got to see their artwork was valued, and they got to hang out with a group of university students,” she added. “All of us really encouraged them to think about attending university one day. In the Lost Boys of Sudan DVD, a lot of the boys talked about how the reason they wanted to come to America was so they could get an education, and they talked about the obstacles they overcame to get an education.”

Reisberg’s outreach was appreciated and her message was clear, Wicks said.

“Homeless children rarely see a reflection of themselves or their struggles out in the world. Homeless children have stories that are so different than those of the kids they go to school with. They have stories not seen in the media or on TV,” Wicks said.

“Our kids were really able to make the connection between their personal stories and the struggles of the Lost Boys of Sudan, and they were able to talk about their own narrative of losing everything – losing a home, losing hope,” she added. “The story of the Lost Boys gave them some hope to focus on education – that if you work hard and have hope and believe in yourself, you can overcome all kinds of obstacles and crises.”

After the painting work – the children “enjoyed being creative and having that outlet,” Wicks said – the young Hope Haven residents found affirmation.

“They feel valuable. They feel important,” she said. “They thought it was a real honor to be part of something that was so big and global, yet they could relate to. They felt significant.”

“Working with the kids at Hope Haven was my favorite part. They were incredible and hopefully will go really far in their lives,” said Vanessa Fosses, one of two art education majors who will accompany the tent to the nation’s capitol in November. “Their thoughts for the future were so bright and inspiring. Some really profound things came out of their mouths.”

At Thayer Hill, NIU art education students have been assisting the middle school students with painting the tent.

Some are earning additional clinical hours. Others are volunteering time.

“Karen and I worked with the Thayer Hill and NIU students to come up with the basic framework and what imagery we wanted to include: the natural world of Darfur, images of hope, stories of homelessness and refugees in Darfur,” Reisberg said. “Karen came up with this great tree concept with a tree on either of the main sides and words embedded in the branches. One is about the future of hope and peace. The other side has words related to loss, war, suffering and pain.”

“We wanted our tent to tell a story about how we really hope that this brings awareness and that these people of Darfur can get back to their communities and to rebuilding their communities,” Popovich said. “On one side, they’re walking away from the refugee camp. On the other parallel side, they’re walking on the same road toward their rebuilt communities. Peace, hope, change, trust, rebuild and support are the words in the branches.”

Thayer Hill students participated in an art club held before and after school. Students who aren’t enrolled in art during this first fall quarter also have pitched in with brushes.

Popovich said her middle school pupils learned how to create art that has a meaning and a message. They also honed painting skills such as adding texture, aerial perspective, silhouettes and how to mix colors.

“The tent looks great,” Popovich said. “It’s very colorful, with textile patterns along the bottom and a beautiful sunset all around. It’s a real strong image.”

For NIU’s students, the lessons were just as extraordinary.
Those include painting: Students in the two art education courses painted 1-inch square mandalas (representing balance and the natural world) that were stitched together to form a rug for the interior of the tent.

Now they have first-hand knowledge of organizing service-based projects and the importance of service-based learning, Reisberg said. They worked with children “in a concerted way,” she said. “They got to watch Karen Popovich and NIU student teacher Mike Olson in action.”

“My students learned about local and global connections. They learned about service-based learning, doing work that benefits others and connects with the community,” Reisberg said. “They’re learning about the natural world, depth and radial symmetry, how to paint, how to create value, how to make things look sensational, color theory and that art can make a difference.”

“I learned that this really is what I would like to with art,” said Fosses, a second-year student from Westmont, Ill. “Integrating the community is an integral part of art education.”

For Reisberg, who in the past focused more on art content than artistic ability with her general education students, her decision to concentrate equally on skills “is really paying off. They quality of the art is getting much more impressive and, more important, the students are really impressing themselves.”

For more information on Tents of Hope, visit

I have always had this sick obsession with books. I love books. I have always wanted to own a small bookstore. I hope to have a library in my house one day.

So, I thought to myself I shall join a book club, you know go to a place where we can discuss a book in great detail and analyze meanings in the book. I wanted to hangout on a monthly basis with other readers who enjoyed the word as much as I did.

I called and bugged my local librarian with questions (thank God she happened to a childhood friend as well, so she is used to my ways haha). So, when I picked up DS from school today, I swung by the library to get the book that we, bookclubbers, are reading and discussing Nov. 12. The book I will be getting into is called: On Tall Pine Lake by Dorothy Garlock. I have never read this book before and I will begin to indulge in tonight.

Oh yeah, DS (who is 5) informs since I will be getting a book at the library, he is going to get several of them--which he did. Do you think he may be following my footsteps?

When I am done with a product, I usually try to pass it on to the next person who can use it because I don't like to waste. So, when I am done with my magazines, I keep them until I know someone will use them.

I know many schools want magazines for arts, crafts, and other types of projects. I will usually call my son's school asking if they are wanting old magazines. Most of the time, they always say yes.

So, when I dropped off my first batch of magazines at my son's school, I asked my son's teacher if she wanted more magazines. She told me someone else dropped off magazines and for me to wait a bit. I told her I will wait and then recycle them if I don't from her. She didn't seem to mind.

So, then I thought to myself what if my DS's teacher ends up saying she has a enough and she doesn't need any more donations, what would I do with these magazines?

So, I sent a call out to my networking colleagues. Lo and behold, they came to my rescue (thanks guys!). One networker told me to donate to a local hospital. I thought that was a GREAT idea. Another networker had many different ideas on her blog which she sent me her URL: What to do with Old Magazines. This would be a good starting place to brainstorm on what to do with your magazines.

So, tomorrow, I will probably call the hospital and ask if they would like some old magazines.

Since this a blog about the Arts, I have decided that I will pick one children's book per week to review because I take Arts seriously that I want my son to enjoy as much as I do. And besides, it is fun to see what kind of Arts are out there for children.

Tonight I read this Dinosarumpus! by author Tony Mitton and illustrator Guy Parker-Rees, to my five year old son, we'll call him H, because of his energy level.

H and I love this book because of the rhythm of the story and the very colorful illustrations that go with the story. There is a nice rhythm as each dinosaur is introduced in the party, almost like dancing to the beat, throughout the whole story. H begins to know when to recite: "Shake, shake, shudder . . . near the sludgy old swamp. The dinosaurs are coming. Get ready to romp." He gets into the story as well by moving with the beat as the story is being read.

Another thing that I liked (which grownups understand) is that ALL the dinosaurs got along, including yup, Tyrannosaurs Rex. Now how cool is that? That is a lesson to say that we are all different, yet we can enjoy the same things.

This story is a thumbs up!

Fall is a beautiful time. Take the time to enjoy it because of its beauty. You can use the time to reflect on your life. You can use the time to do family activities. You can even use the time to have your children do art activities.

Fall is unlike other seasons. Let your imagination run free.

Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family is a long needed book because of the focus of being green during family holidays, celebrations and traditions. Often time when a person thinks of the concept of being or going "Green", it is usually applied to the daily living life style by making choices that are considered "Green".

Authors and mother and daughter team Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell–Lipson write about how Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family began with the concept of "Green Halloween" making Halloween a healthy yet green celebration by being Earth friendly.

The mother and daughter team also remind everyone about the basic 3R's: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle which proves that if we did follow the 3R's , we are already on the "Green" track. Colwell and Colwell-Lipson give some excellent ideas on what kind of products and activities should be done, for example during Easter, they remind readers to purchase a carton of eggs in recycled material. Not only do they personalize each holiday with examples of their own lives, they also give ideas on how to do activities or traditions like "How to Dye Eggs Naturally".

If you are not familiar with "Green" terms, there is a glossary in the back of the book for you to learn or use as reference. A list of websites that offer great resources to the theme of this book is also provided. A couple of pages are provided for you to write notes and ideas while you are using Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family. I write using because you will be tempted to start the ideas at the same time while reading.

Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson are mother and daughter and co-authors of Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family. The book can be purchased at www.CelebrateGreen.NET and on Amazon, A Toy Garden and Village Green Gifts.

Be sure to stop by other blogs to see what others have to say about Celebrate Green!Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family and authors Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lispon. Here is the itinerary:

October 1

Jessie Upp & Karin Bigelow
Green Gifts

Tamara Graham
My True Genius

New York Women Social Entrepreneurs (NYWSE)
The NYWSE Blog

October 2

Jenn Savedge
The Green Parent

Elena Lipson
The EcoDiva - Sustainable Luxury and

October 3

Jenn Sturiale

Tiny Choices

October 5

Sarah Sabado

Photography, Travel and Life

Week of October 6

Paige Torgrimson
Green Paige

October 6

Stacy Williams

Sagan's Universe

Shirley Siluk Gregory

Green Living/,

Julie Northrop
Free Birthday Treats Blog

Tiffany Washko
Raw Kid Recipes & Nature Moms

October 7
Faten Abdallah
Global Arts

Cheryl Morgen

Escape to Books

Elena Lipson
The EcoDiva - Sustainable Luxury and

October 8

Wenona Napolitano

Green Weddings and More and Creatively Green and

Shirley Siluk Gregory

Penelope Anne Bartotto, Interview
The Library at the END of the Universe

Linda Blanco


Jen Vondenbrink

Your Life Simplified

October 9

Angie Goodloe

The Herbalist’s Path

October 10

Cate O'Malley

The Voice of Mom

Penelope Anne Bartotto, Review
The Library at the END of the Universe

Alisa Bowman

Project Happily Ever After

October 13

Mark Caserta

3r Living and 3r Blogging

Tricia Ballard

Living at the Speed of Life

October 15

Jen Vondenbrink

Your Life Simplified (interview)

Angie Goodloe

Mama Goin' Wholistic

October 16
Karen Renzi
Beyondus Blog - Musings on Marketing, Web, and Life


Kirsten Aadahl


Andrea McMann

Simple Things

October 17

Bethany Cagle

Brynna Curry

Unsure of date

Stacey Kannenberg

Cedar Valley Publishing Blog

To purchase Celebrate Green!Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family, visit http://www.CelebrateGreen.NET, where you can sign up for updates, blogs, find more tips, ideas, receive special offers and discounts. Authors Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson are also interested in hearing from their readers, be sure to let them know what you think!

I was to take a picture of something with quick action. Since it was dark outside, my home was quiet and I was watching the debates live on CNN, I decided to capture some of the action of the Vice Presidential Debates. Enjoy

Carolyn Erickson of Choose Your Words Wisely, at gives a description of what the Photo Challenge is. I will try to post a picture everyday.

The Photo is titled Yum, Chocolate

Name, location, title
Na'ima B. Robert, Egypt (business based in UK), Editor and Publisher

What is the purpose of SISTERS?
We are filling a gaping void in today's market: the need for Islamic information and inspiration that is rooted in real life and that celebrates our identity as Muslim women who are striving to practise Islam. It also serves as a way to address issues that are important to Muslim women while providing employment to our writers and staff and extra income for members of our SISTERS Club (direct sellers to the community)

What makes SISTERS unique?
We are one of the few magazines that addresses Islamic life holistically. We are dedicated to inspiring our readers to be the best they can be spiritually, intellectually, physically and emotionally. We look at deen (religion) issues but we also look at the other aspects of our lives as Muslim women: food, fashion, shopping etc. Our approach to life is devout but fun!

How has SISTERS grown since it was first launched?
SISTERS started with 2 staff members and a design team, publishing online only. We have since grown to a team of 10 people based all around the world, have made the move into print and are sponsoring a nationwide writing competition for Muslim children, as well as expanding into South Africa insha Allah (God willing).

What is the target audience?
Any Muslim woman with an Islamic awareness of some kind will find something relevant and meaningful in SISTERS. But our overall target audience is English-speaking Muslimahs around the world.

How often is SISTERS published and printed?
4 times a year

Where can we get copies of SISTERS?

Internationally, the SISTERS website is the best place to get copies and purchase subscriptions ( In the UK, SISTERS is available at Islamic bookshops all over the country.

Where do you see SISTERS in five years?

I would like SISTERS to be available everywhere where there are Muslimahs, in local editions where possible, in different languages. I would like the SISTERS website to become a hub for Muslim women to come together to learn, to share and to promote what they are doing.

What other writings have you dealt with? What is your writing background consist of? Are you a writer?
Up until 2005, I was a children's book author, publishing with mainstream multicultural publishers. Then, in 2005 my book 'From My Sisters' Lips' was published by Bantam Press and it was the response to that book that inspired me to create SISTERS. For more information about my other work, please see

Will non Muslims be able to understand when reading Sisters? Explain.
Although SISTERS is written with a Muslim audience in mind, there are many aspects of it that would appeal to a non Muslim woman. If nothing else, it will show any reader that there is more to Muslim women than hijab!

What should non Muslims know about Muslims and Islam?

Whatever you've read or heard, seek the truth for yourself.

How are some ways a non-Muslim can learn about Islam and Muslims?
Read the Qur'an, get to know Muslims. Don't trust everything you read on the Internet or everything you hear on the news.

Were you born and raised a Muslim? Are you a revert? If so, how did you find Islam?
I am a revert and grew up in a non-religious family. I first encountered Islam in Egypt while on tour. It was then that I started asking questions about God, and faith in general. The story of how I became Muslim is fully documented in my book, 'From My Sisters' Lips'.

by Shelly Perry

To most travelers, a vacation is a time to relax, take in a few museums, enjoy coffee in an outdoor café, eat out, and meet new people. But to me, a vacation is also an opportunity to make some easy cash.

Take Paris, for instance. (I’ve been there twice.) I enjoyed the cafés … the lavish meals … the leisurely strolls along the Seine. And I took pictures as I went – just like we all do when we’re on vacation.

The big difference for me is that I don’t just slide my pictures into an album when I get home. I sell them. And the truth is, thousands of websites, magazines, and travel agencies buy vacation photos from travelers like me all the time. And it’s not hard to find those buyers …

I sell a lot of my photos to online stock photo agencies, also known as “microstock sites.” And I make enough money, in some cases, to cover the cost of my trip. Some of the leading sites are:,,, and

These sites are happy to work with amateurs, but they do expect near-perfect photographs … so you’ve got to have a good digital camera and an eye for composition.

Travel agencies, art directors, and even high school kids looking for photos to illustrate their MySpace pages or their geography and history papers are all customers of these online stock sites. It doesn’t cost you anything to upload your vacation shots, and their buyers can download whichever pictures they choose for anywhere between $1 and $15 a pop, depending on the size of the image they want.

You get a percentage of that fee. And though $.50 might not sound like a lot, keep in mind that you’re looking at volume sales.

I use, and I average $.90 per image (per month) or $ $1.83 per download for the photos I have on file with them.

Over time, I’ve uploaded 1773 images from my travels – and even shots from my home town. I don’t have to do any marketing … these photos sell even while I’m sleeping. At the end of the month, I get a check for a thousand or so dollars for my efforts.

It’s fast, easy, and fun.

Here are three things to photograph on your next trip that you can sell for stock. Keep them in mind when you travel, and you’ll have fun, take lots of pictures, and make some extra cash to boot.

1.Farmers’ Markets

Farmers’ markets are teeming with stock shots … from the repeating patterns and colors of seasonal fruits and vegetables to signs scrawled in chalk and people picking out their wares.

Almost every online stock agency requires you to submit a model release for images that include recognizable people, so I suggest you focus on the fruits and vegetables at first. Model releases are specific to each site, so get your account up and running before you try to submit people photographs.

2.Your Hotel

One photo of a front-desk bell has sold 1,021 times on And I’ve sold photos of curtains, pillows, and more. Do some research and look up hotel pictures on these stock sites before you leave, and get acquainted with your competition. It’s okay to photograph the same things – just be sure to make your shots unique. But look for what’s selling and what’s not. Put your efforts into taking the kind of photos that sell best.
3. Textures and Patterns

People like to buy photos of textures or patterns to use as backgrounds for their websites … fine art on their walls … and a myriad of other things. Keep an eye out for these as you travel. Peeling paint, rusted metal, brick walls, cracks in the sidewalk, bark on a tree … all make for interesting backgrounds.

One final word of advice: Make sure you read the online stock agency’s technical requirements and submission guidelines before you start uploading pictures.

This article appears courtesy of The Golden Thread, an e-letter from AWAI that delivers original, no-nonsense advice on how to build your freelance copywriting business. For a free subscription, visit

Chance to win copies of both "Storm" Joyce Anthony and "The Rape of Innocence" by Lacresha Hayes. Read and comment at

Colleague and friend Sarah Militz-Frielink and I will be hosting a weekly talk show about women issues. The weekly show is called "Connecting Women". We will be discussing issues related to women as well as conduct interviews.

Our first show is Saturday, August 16, 11 a.m. Central Time.

Summer is now here, and your children may not be as busy as they were when school was in session.

To encourage the need or love of reading, take your children to your local library because there are plenty of activities for children AND adults to participate in. Often, there are story times for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Elementary and Middle School students have their own activities as well as adults.

If you would like to see library activities posted, do let me know, and I will gladly post them up.

If you have ever dreamed of being a fashion designer or work in the fields of fashion, you might consider checking out fashion school in New York, one of the fashion meccas of the world. There you can read about different fashion schools in the state and in other parts of the USA.

Not sure what kind of fashion career you would like to go into? You can find resources at Fashion Schools New York, There you will be able to read examples and see what schools are featured in different types of fashion careers. There are also plenty of articles to read about the fashion field. Reading these articles should answer some questions that you may have about attending a fashion school in New York or other parts of the US.

New York fashion schools offer students some of the best experiences for fashion students. Some of the greatest fashion designers have gone through fashion schools. These include Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Coco Chanel. More famous designers are listed at

The site is easy to navigate. General categories are listed at the top, but when you scroll the mouse over the categories, more specific areas are shown. The website is nicely done, with information on the top part of the website with suggestions of specific schools or colleges.

Visit Fashion Schools New York today! Go to http:

Writing at the age of 12, drawing at the age of 13, photographing at the age of 17, and graphic designing at the age 21, Mis Smith balances her work with motherhood everyday. "It's not always an artist's life-- it's a mom's life, with art on the side," Mis says humbly. Art is so important in Mis' life that she has encouraged her children "to take pictures, draw, and read." Because her children are encouraged to do those things, Mis says she is living a "momma's life, with art on the side." Mis and her family live in Missouri.

Faten: How did you get started as an artist?

I really just needed a creative outlet, so I tried a lot of things. Luckily, a lot worked out for me.

Faten: Does your family support your work? Explain.

Mis: Yes, most certainly. First, Derek has bought all my equipment. He suggests shots, critiques and really encourages me to do what I want to do. You can't ask for much more than that really.

Faten: What kind of work do you create or produce?

Mis: I mainly do photography and a lot of playing with Paint Shop Pro, making "siggies" and lots of fun stuff for emails, websites, myspace, etc.

Faten: What do you want people to know about you as an artist?

Mis: others look at pictures, they all see different meanings, and that's one of the things I want people to know that every picture I take, means something to me, personally. When things that makes me love working on my art so much. My art can branch out to anyone, and a piece of art can mean whatever you want it to mean. It doesn't only relate to the artist. Also, I want people to know that ANYONE can be an artist. All you need is ambition, and imagination.

Faten: How do you plan to grow as an artist?

Mis: Well, new equipment would be nice. I want to grow as an artist. I think that I would like to be able to travel more to shoot. I think it would help me in learning new tricks with photo manipulation, learning angles and how to use certain lenses. I'd love to be able to do more wildlife shots.
Faten: What do you hope to accomplish from your work?

Mis: I'm not really sure. I'd like for someone to see one of my shots or read one of my songs, and notice it. It would be really neat. I would like my art to be appreciated and enjoyed.

Faten: How has your product or work been used by others?

Mis: My work has been used by others many times. I allow usage of my work (after written permission) for email stationary, siggies, and other non profit things. I sell prints and have sold calendars with my art on them.

Faten: What kind of advice can you give to a budding or aspiring person in your line of work?

Mis: If you are into photography, take your camera everywhere--even to the grocery store. You never know what will come into your line of sight. If you are a writer, write what means something to you, otherwise, its an empty outlet for your creative juices.

Faten: Any finals words of wisdom before we wrap up the interview?

Mis: Just be creative. If it looks neat or cool to you, it will to others. Always have meaning behind your work. Let it have a story. If a picture is worth a thousand words, it shouldn't be too hard. Don't always be ordinary. Do things that you don't see often. Be experimental.

Mis runs the following websites:

Be sure to visit Mis' sites to view artistic beauty and creativity!

Need supplies to pursue your artistic hobbies, crafts or business? Check out sites like Freecycle or Share.

These groups can be found at with rules and details. Many groups like these want to give stuff away free because the main goal is to not fill up the Earth with junk. It is a good way for you to get rid of your junk and then find your treasures as well.

You can also check out auction or store sites like or You may find some really good deals and bargains.

So, before you spend hundreds of dollars on supplies, find alternative ways to get supplies. You will be glad you did, and so will your checkbook.

Many media networks posted a story saying the mystery of Mona Lisa has been solved, and that experts now can identify who the real Mona Lisa was.

I think it is amazing how technology and science can do what was seemed impossible or forever a mystery. It also shows that humans love a good mystery and a challenge.

If you haven't already, here is a link for you to read about the solved mystery:

Regular blogging should resume tomorrow.

Be ready to read some interesting posts!

I haven't read many pages this week to write about. I will get caught up by next week!

Author Anita Hackley-Lambert will be touring different blogs through the month of January 2008. Below is a partial list of blogs she will be touring and posting interviews about her work.

DAY 1 – January 2, 2008
Anita Hackley-Lambert, author of the biography, F.H.M. MURRAY: FIRST
Publishing, Aug. `07) will be stopping off at

January 4, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008 - Author Anita Hackley-Lambert is our guest
blogger. She will share why she decided to write about a pioneer of
civil justice in F.H.M. Murray: First Biography of a Forgotten
Pioneer for Civil Justice.*http:/

I have postponed this week's interview because of life getting in the way. I apologize for those waiting to read this week's interview. Everything is scheduled to be back to "normal" (whatever that is) next week.

Thanks for understanding!

Not sure what to do with all those holiday cards you received from your insurance agent, doctor, or hair stylist? Use them in a craft that you can do with your children.

Make calendars with those holiday cards.

Things you need:

  • 12 pieces of construction paper
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • 12 holiday cards of your choice
  • Hole puncher
  • Yarn or notebook rings
1. You want to draw the squares and apply appropriate numbers to each one, starting with January through December.
2. Then you want to glue one holiday card on one piece of construction paper that goes with each month. Be sure to cut the holiday card and use the picture part only.
3. Hole punch the stack of calendar pages. Be sure to tie with yarn or notebook rings.

These make excellent gifts for family and friends. Not only will your children feel proud once they are finished with the calendars, you have spent some memorable moments with them!

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