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Fruit Roll-ups

Cover: It is ok.  Not as sophisticated like other books I have seen.

The Miracle of Mercy Land: A NovelMercy Land, a native of backwoods Bittersweet, has moved into Bay City in Alabama, working as 'Doc's girl', an assistant editor to Doc Phillips, editor and owner of the local daily newspaper in the 1930s.  Mercy knows almost every secret of Doc's, except one when a magical book appears in Doc's Office.

Doc calls Mercy into his office to figure out what is the purpose of the magical book.  They are able to see the lives of every citizen of Bay City, their past and present, their fears and hopes.  Doc thinks he can fix a wrong of the past by calling John Quincy.  Quincy is someone Mercy had known from the past, but she is not sure who he is. 

Not only is Mercy trying to understand the meaning of the magical book and who is John Quincy, Mercy realizes that choices are made by everyone.  "That the choices we made did indeed turn the times for ill or for good--for everyone" (326).

River Jordan, author of The Miracle of Mercy Land, writes the book from three different points of view: Mercy, Doc and John Quincy, which is interesting because the reader is able to get a better idea of what the magical book.  River Jordan never fully describes the book, where it came from, and its ultimate purpose. This book is also filled with suspense as well.

3 out of 5 stars.  There were some questions that could have been answered to clear up some confusion.

FTC:  I received a copy of the book from WaterBrook Multnomah Press.  Amazon link and photo above.

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