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Fruit Roll-ups

Hearts AwakeningCover:  Beautiful.  Appropriate for the book.

Hearts Awakening, by Delia Parr, is a story about Elvira Kilmer, a spinister, who has run out marriage prospects.  An only child, now grown and not wanting to burden her cousins, Elvira looks for a job and ends up on Dillion's Island, located in the Susquehanna River, as a housekeeper for Jackson Smith.

However, Jackson has a scandal of his own due to his deceased wife.  He offers Elvira a marriage solution in order for both of them to benefit personally.  Elvira, Jackson and his two boys end up realizing this may be the best thing that had ever happen to them.

I would totally recommend this book for those who like historical fiction, as well as a clean read.  This is appropriate for junior high and high school readers.

FTC:  I received this book through Bethany House. Image is though Amazon.

4 out of 5 stars

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