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Fruit Roll-ups

I have always had this sick obsession with books. I love books. I have always wanted to own a small bookstore. I hope to have a library in my house one day.

So, I thought to myself I shall join a book club, you know go to a place where we can discuss a book in great detail and analyze meanings in the book. I wanted to hangout on a monthly basis with other readers who enjoyed the word as much as I did.

I called and bugged my local librarian with questions (thank God she happened to a childhood friend as well, so she is used to my ways haha). So, when I picked up DS from school today, I swung by the library to get the book that we, bookclubbers, are reading and discussing Nov. 12. The book I will be getting into is called: On Tall Pine Lake by Dorothy Garlock. I have never read this book before and I will begin to indulge in tonight.

Oh yeah, DS (who is 5) informs since I will be getting a book at the library, he is going to get several of them--which he did. Do you think he may be following my footsteps?


I love, love, love to read! My boys read a lot when they were little and then slacked off as teenagers. You can imagine the pride I felt when I saw my 20 year old reading a real book and telling me how great it was! Maybe they will follow in our footsteps after all.
Good for you for joining the book club!

October 27, 2008 at 7:26 PM  

Thanks for the encouraging words. It is awesome to see that your 20 year old picked up reading again. I hear that you go in stages with children (haha).

October 27, 2008 at 9:47 PM  

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