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Fruit Roll-ups

Cover: It is a beautiful and elegant cover.

Three friends who were raised in an orphan home go off to college together in Missouri.  Libby Conley majors in journalism, Pete Leidig is majoring in theology, and Bennett Martin wants to major in engineering.

In Every HeartbeatLibby, Pete and Bennett end up growing in more ways than they thought, often times not understanding the growth they experience. They all face some obstacles and challenges. Pete and Libby wonder if they could be more than just friends although they have different dreams and expectations. Bennett is looking for a place to fit in.

One semi-tragic moment brings Libby, Pete and Bennett closer again--the face that they have to help save Pete's family.

This is a great read, however, I felt the ending was a bit rushed, when all of the sudden Libby "sees" the religious light.  It should have been a gradual process of conversion instead of all at once.

FTC: I received a copy of this book through Bethany House.

4 out of 5 stars.


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