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Fruit Roll-ups

Faery Tale: One Woman's Search for Enchantment in a Modern WorldThe book cover of Faery Tale is cute cover.  Appropriate for theme of book.

After the loss of her father, Signe Pike travels to different parts of the world to search for enchantment in a modern world. Signe travels to parts of Mexico, England, Ireland, Scotland and Man of Isle. As she discovers the world of faeries and other enchanted creatures, Signe is able to bring closure of her father's death.

This could be classified as a travel or personal memoir.  The reader is able to read about beautiful descriptions on Signe's travels.  Readers are also able to see Signe grow as a person as well.

An enjoyable read.  4 out of 5 stars.

I received this book through Perigee, a division of Penguin Group. Image is Amazon link.

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