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Fruit Roll-ups

Being Proven Wrong

I am working on not ignoring my instincts. My instincts offers its opinions on decisions that need to be done. Often times, I put my instincts aside and perform the decision in a logical manner.

I tend to use Facebook for family, friends and colleagues that I have worked with on projects and we are beyond the formality step. So, when I meet someone in person with just an acknowledgment of hello, I don't think much of it--until they decide they would like to friend me on Facebook. In The Whole Truth, Kathryn and Jimmy are constantly in this kind of dilemma defending and prosecuting individuals without know the entire story.

Back to the Facebook story. I decided to wait a couple of days to decide if I should friend this person or not. Instinct told me forget it. You and this person barely talk to each other in person, although we have nothing against each other--I just think it is lack of something to talk about with each other. Did I listen to my instinct despite warning me through the entire time of this process? Nope. I even accused my instinct of being judgmental.

So, anyways, I decided to friend this person. Occasionally, she would like or comment on my Facebook statuses, and I the same. Then I was gone for a couple of months abroad. After I returned, I saw this person in person. We greeted each other with casual hellos, and then went on our own business. About two weeks ago, I wanted to comment on this person's remark on Facebook, when I clicked on her profile, I couldn't! Because I had been, you guessed it--DEFRIENDED. I was stunned for like 3 seconds, and I apologized to my instincts. I had oppressed my instincts.

I see this person every now and then. And I wonder, should I ask her why she defriended me? I don't think so because I want to give her the attitude of I don't care that she defriended me.

Lesson learned: TRUST your instincts, chances are you will be right that way.

Be sure to tune-in for "The Whole Truth" on ABC Wednesdays at 10/9 C.

Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'The Whole Truth.'

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