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Fruit Roll-ups

When Beauty Tamed the BeastThe cover of When Beauty Tamed the Beast by Eloisa James is beautiful--romantic.

Linnet Berry Thrynne is considered a beauty.  In fact, most men would love to have her as his wife.  However, Linnet becomes betrothed to Dr. Piers Yelverton, Earl of Marchant, who is considered a beast to many because of his temper.  As soon as Linnet and Piers meet, they immediately begin bickering with each other. 

Linnet vows to make Piers fall in love with her in two weeks.  She is not sure what she is getting herself into, as well as Piers will make it challenging for Linnet.

It was easy just to read the entire book in one sitting.  Would I read more books by Eloisa James?  Sure.  4 out of 5 stars.

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