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Fruit Roll-ups

I had the privileage of interviewing Wendy Walker, co-editor and author of Chicken Soup for the Soul's Power Moms, as well as read the book.

Power Moms is a collection of 101 stories "celebrating the power of choice for stay-at-home and work-from-home moms", with stories written by all types of moms, including celebrities. These stories are not all fluffed, or made to look like a picture perfect scene.

Readers can enjoy the pain as well as happiness of each trial and achievement written by moms. Some have chosen to stay at home or work at home, while others have made choices to return back to work outside the home. There are lessons to learn as well as opportunities to reflect. I highly recommend this book, no matter what stage you are in motherhood. In fact, I would recommend this book to anyone to learn about the world of motherhood.


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