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Fruit Roll-ups

I was delighted to see my son get excited when he asked me to buy "All About Corduroy" by Don Freeman. I asked him why he chose this book, he told me because his kindergarten teacher read it to them before going on vacation.

I love sharing the past of my childhood with my son because I feel it is one of the greatest things you can do with your children. I feel that they will be able to understand themselves by getting to see what you were like as a child like them.

"All About Corduroy" contains two stories: Corduroy and A Pocket for Corduroy. Corduroy is about him living in a store with a missing button and looking for the button while waiting for the rightful owner to take him to their home. A Pocket for Corduroy is about Corduroy wanting to add a pocket to his overalls.

These classics leave children wanting to know what is going to happen to Corduroy as he is on his journeys. Children are relieved to hear that Corduroy overcomes obstacles.

Parents, you need to read to your children not only books on Corduroy but other books you read as a child.


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