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Fruit Roll-ups

Poetically Speaking is our annual event that showcases the poetic and spoken word skills of teen girls in and around the Boston area. 
You don't want to miss this!

You're Invited!

 Thursday, November 10, 2011 
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Bill Bordy Auditorium, Emerson College
216 Tremont St., Boston, MA


Admission is FREE. Please RSVP by emailing Saun Green at your name, address, and school.  If you are coming with more than 10 people or an organization, please send the names of all attendees and/or the name of your organization, and the staff person who will be attending with you. 
Space is limited and the event sells out fast  so please RSVP by November 8, 2011!


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