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Fruit Roll-ups

What would your life be like if you had a fabulous Hollywood lifestyle? Would you be down to earth? Would you be partying 24 hours per day?

Here is my version if I had a fabulous Hollywood lifestyle. I would travel the world more than I ever dreamed of, enjoying the different cultures and adventures the world has to offer. I wouldn't necessarily be a movie star. I would see myself more as a producer or entertainment mogul. I like to be behind the scenes and not the center of attention. Unlike Vince in Entourage, I would probably stay out of trouble and lead a less exciting life than he and his entourage.

My oldest friends would definitely be part of my entourage, of course you would have to have some of your new Hollywood friends as well. The way for me to enjoy the benefits of being famous is to always remember where I came from by giving back to my community that helped me get to my fame.

Watch "Entourage" five nights a week! Check your local listings here:

Disclosure: "I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'Entourage.'"

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