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Fruit Roll-ups

Is It That Obvious?

DH and I spent the Sunday afternoon in a bookstore that I absolutely love. We drank coffee as we leafed through a few books. After finishing leafing through particular book, I tell DH that I want to purchase this for my company.

He replied by saying, "No, write down the title, and we will do online comparing, going for the less expensive." I told him that I couldn't wait and I NEEDED the book.

DH insisted for me not to bring the book. After giving him a sad look, DH replied smiling, "Don't worry. Tomorrow or later this week you will come back and buy the book anyways."

His reply caught me off guard that I end up laughing so hard, and I replied "Is it that obvious (that I buy books without telling him)?" He laughed and said, "Yup. You have piles of books. It is hard to miss them."

He is right. I have piles of books. In fact, all kinds of books. So what did I do today, while waiting to pick up DS from class, I went to the Bookstore and bought the book that I had "NEEDED".

Shhh....don't tell DH. ;)


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