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Fruit Roll-ups

I saw this link on Twitter. When I clicked on the link, I wrote it is like Book Heaven! I thought I would pass on this link to my readers. Enjoy!

Am I impressed! This morning I had the privilege of attending with my son and his class, a music concert performed by fifth through eighth grade students--band and orchestra. I thought it would be your usual, stereotypical band "geeks and nerds." (I know, I know I shouldn't have stereotyped.) Oh Contraire! These kids were peppy and had the entire gym dancing and clapping. Adults and students. It was AWESOME!

The music played were popular ones like "We Will Rock You!" and "Wipe Out!" They even played the SpongeBob theme music.

When the concert was over, I turned to another mom chaperon and told her that I don't remember band being this "cool". She agree with me. She commented, "We were the Band geeks and nerds!"

Well, way to go to Mr. Band Director and Ms. Chorus Director for guiding students to the love of music. A job well done. A job well done.

DH and I spent the Sunday afternoon in a bookstore that I absolutely love. We drank coffee as we leafed through a few books. After finishing leafing through particular book, I tell DH that I want to purchase this for my company.

He replied by saying, "No, write down the title, and we will do online comparing, going for the less expensive." I told him that I couldn't wait and I NEEDED the book.

DH insisted for me not to bring the book. After giving him a sad look, DH replied smiling, "Don't worry. Tomorrow or later this week you will come back and buy the book anyways."

His reply caught me off guard that I end up laughing so hard, and I replied "Is it that obvious (that I buy books without telling him)?" He laughed and said, "Yup. You have piles of books. It is hard to miss them."

He is right. I have piles of books. In fact, all kinds of books. So what did I do today, while waiting to pick up DS from class, I went to the Bookstore and bought the book that I had "NEEDED".

Shhh....don't tell DH. ;)

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