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Fruit Roll-ups

Not sure what to do with all those holiday cards you received from your insurance agent, doctor, or hair stylist? Use them in a craft that you can do with your children.

Make calendars with those holiday cards.

Things you need:

  • 12 pieces of construction paper
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • 12 holiday cards of your choice
  • Hole puncher
  • Yarn or notebook rings
1. You want to draw the squares and apply appropriate numbers to each one, starting with January through December.
2. Then you want to glue one holiday card on one piece of construction paper that goes with each month. Be sure to cut the holiday card and use the picture part only.
3. Hole punch the stack of calendar pages. Be sure to tie with yarn or notebook rings.

These make excellent gifts for family and friends. Not only will your children feel proud once they are finished with the calendars, you have spent some memorable moments with them!


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