Christie Silvers, a mother of three, has more than 170 web-content articles between Associated Content and, one parenting book and one paranormal romance currently available. I had the pleasure of interviewing Christie on her writing career.
Faten: What project are you currently working on now?
Christie: I am currently working on Book 2 Two to the A Midnight Infatuation series. It is titled A Birth at Dawn and centers around the same two main characters as in Book 1. After you finish book 1 you will definitely want to check out book 2!
Faten: What was your favorite project and why?
Christie: My favorite is my paranormal romance, A Midnight Infatuation. This book was definitely a labor of love. It's full of vampires, werewolves, action, thrills and even the hot sensual scenes that make your heart pitter-patter (or at least mine did while I was writing, lol).
Faten: What genre do you write in/about and why?
Christie Most of my web-content articles are family/parenting related topics. I also have one parenting book. But, my passion is the paranormal/supernatural genres. Vampires, werewolves and witches are what I enjoy reading about, so it was no wonder that I would jump into writing about the same.
Faten: How long have you been writing?
Christie: Well, I've been writing on and off since the age of sixteen. But, I didn't start getting serious about it until the summer of 2006.
Faten: How did you get started in writing?
Christie: A friend of mine suggested that I check out a web-content site called Associated Content. It was a good place to make some quick cash and help out the family income a little. It turned out to be the turning point for my writing career. I used Associated Content as a jumping-off point and have just grown from there.
Faten: Do you write everyday, a few times per week, etc.?
Christie: I write everyday in some way, shape or form. It's not always articles or my books, but I am always writing something.
Faten: Does your family support you in writing?
Christie: My children think that it's "cool" that mommy is a writer. My husband would prefer that I didn't spend so much time with my fingers flying across the keyboard. My mother tells everyone she knows that they should buy my books. LOL! All in all, my family is very supportive with my chosen lifestyle (being a writer really is a lifestyle).
Faten: What do you hope to accomplish from writing?
Christie: I never really went into this hoping to accomplish anything. Sure, fame would be nice; money would be fabulous, but in the end I just enjoy doing it.
Faten: How do you plan to continue to grow as an author?
Christie: I plan to keep writing. Practice makes perfect... Or though they say. I wouldn't care if I sold another book (well, I might care a little), I just enjoy what I'm doing and will keep at it for as long as I am physically able to do so.
Faten: What do you want people to get from your writing?
Christie: I want them to be entertained, informed and want to read more when they are finished.
Faten: Give advice to an aspiring author.
Christie: My best advice to anyone considering taking on the challenge of writing, is to keep at it. Don't expect to just write something and have an instant fan-base. Writing takes lots of practice, rewrites,advertisement , rewrites and, well, REWRITES. Rejections are a way of life for writers, so don't take them personally. Well, it will sting either way, just try not to take them too personally.
Faten: Any final words of wisdom before we wrap up this interview?
Christie: Writing is contagious. Once you start, it's very difficult to stop. And that's the way it should be with anything that you enjoy in your life. It should become an addiction, of sorts. Something that you look forward to doing -- even when it's not going the way you want it to go.
Don't be afraid of letting your story take off. Some of my best stories ended with me looking at the screen and thinking, "Wow. Did I just write that?" because it felt like the characters just took over and went their own way. I was just taking dictation. That is a great feeling!
You can find some of Christie's other works and projects at;and in her author's forum at Readers and fans can also join Christie's monthly newsletter at
Labels: authors, Wednesday's Word
YIPPY CHRISTI!!! I am soooo proud of you!!
Anonymous said...
December 6, 2007 at 10:18 AM
Thank you, Faten, for the opportunity to be interviewed. :-)
Anonymous said...
December 6, 2007 at 2:35 PM
Christie you rock. I am so proud of you!!!
Anonymous said...
December 6, 2007 at 6:27 PM
Congrats Christie...I shall read you book as I just love vampires, and witches....throw in a little romance makes it interesting. Good going....You should be proud as we all are...YEAH.
Shirley in FL
Anonymous said...
December 6, 2007 at 6:31 PM
It was my pleasure! I hope you will come back again to this blog as an interviewee and a reader! :)
Faten Abdallah said...
December 6, 2007 at 9:41 PM